Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Research Inquiries on Dwarfism

Being a dwarf is strangely bitter in reality than in fiction. Studies done in search of the factors behind dwarfism points out one of the prominent reasons - insufficient growth hormone. If this condition is not treated, a child may fall 6 to 12 inches behind age-mates in height. As adults, some will be hypo-pituitary dwarfs. Such individuals are perfectly proportioned, but tiny.
For many years, dwarfism could be treated only with injections of human growth hormone. It was a painstaking and expensive process. Now, a relatively cheap synthetic growth hormone is available. Regular injections of this hormone can raise a hypo-pituitary child’s height by several inches.
However, it has to be noted that synthetic growth hormone has side effects. If not carefully administered, it can cause giantism, acromegaly, diabetes, or other medical problems. Also, it has to be noted that normally short children are found to fail to increase their height even after the application of this hormone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How can we escape from stage fear?

Look and Hook
